Application for renewal of suitaibility (2024-2025 )

Registration for User

Forgot password/Login ID/Reset password

Captcha Code


1. Those Institutions (Nursing Schools/Colleges) who have successfully renewed their institution for Acadmic Year 2022-2023 / 2023-2024 can use their Login Id and Password for the Acadmic Year 2024-2025. They need to fill only the required data and make fee payment through online it self.

2. Those Institutions (Nursing Schools/Colleges) who have not applied for renewal since 2021-2022, need to create their Login Id and Password. After creating Login id and Password login to the system and fill all required data, Upload all the documents as mentioned and make fee payment through online.

3. Ensure Good internet connectivity while uploading the document.

4. The file size of each photograph should not be more than 200KB and each PDF file size should not be more than 300KB. If size of the file is more than mentioned limits system will not accept while uploading the file. While uploading the image files of photographs, please ensure you give image file name as faculty name so that duplicate of photographs can be avoided. Please check after uploading the documents whether they are readable.

5. For any queries / doubts / Clarifications send a mail with the details to /